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Difference between Life Insurance and Health Insurance

The difference between the two most critical insurances for an individual

#Life-Insurance 100 Views 83 Shares

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While Health Insurance covers the expenses incurred towards treatment, Life Insurance can help your family reduce their financial burden in case of your untimely demise.

Let's check out a few key differences between Life Insurance & a Health Insurance policy:

Feature Life Insurance Health Insurance
Why should you buy this? Financially safeguards your family in case of your untimely death. It can help them maintain their lifestyle and achieve their life goals even when you are not around. Covers costs of hospitalization & related treatment. These days most policies offer cashless treatment facility at network hospitals
Core benefit A Sum Assured (Death Benefit) is paid to the nominee of the person (Life Assured) Covers the treatment cost for illnesses/ medical conditions subject to a maximum coverage amount and other conditions
Additional Benefits Maturity Benefit, Surrender Benefit, Loyalty Additions, etc. can be added on top of the base cover No Claim Bonus can be added in the case of some policy types. Few health insurance companies offer free health check-ups as well
Types of covers Individual (single life), Group coverage Individual, family (family floater policy) or group coverage
Types of Plans Term plans, Savings, child-related (wealth creation), Retirement, etc. Comprehensive health insurance planscritical illness cover, etc.
Tax Benefits Under Section 80C, Section 10(10D) of the Income Tax Act Under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act

You must also remember that both Life Insurance and Health Insurance are distinct elements of your financial portfolio covering different types of financial risks. It's time to undertake a financial planning exercise to learn more about your requirements and make an informed decision.

Click here to understand how much insurance cover you need, spend just 5 minutes for benefits that will last a lifetime and beyond!

You may be entitled to certain applicable tax benefits on your premiums and policy benefits. Please note that all the tax benefits are subject to tax laws prevailing at the time

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