Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion are our core values; it’s not just lip service, we walk the talk.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion are our core values; it’s not just lip service, we walk the talk.

How do we do that? By understanding what it truly means to create a diverse and, inclusive workplace where opportunities are accessible to all in an equitable manner. An inclusive workplace has a diverse group of employees involved, developed, empowered, and valued by the company.

Diversity, without inclusion, is merely a token effort. At Max Life Insurance, we recognise that fostering an inclusive culture and diverse workforce yields numerous benefits for our organisation. We view inclusion and equity as strategic imperatives to create ideal conditions to promote workplace creativity, further innovation, stimulate productivity growth and encourage positive transformation throughout all levels of business operations.

Max Life Insurance’s commitment to this cause enables everyone to craft a legacy of success within our company walls and beyond them.

How do we do that? By understanding what it truly means to create a diverse and, inclusive workplace where opportunities are accessible to all in an equitable manner. An inclusive workplace has a diverse group of employees involved, developed, empowered, and valued by the company.

Diversity, without inclusion, is merely a token effort. At Max Life Insurance, we recognise that fostering an inclusive culture and diverse workforce yields numerous benefits for our organisation. We view inclusion and equity as strategic imperatives to create ideal conditions to promote workplace creativity, further innovation, stimulate productivity growth and encourage positive transformation throughout all levels of business operations.

Max Life Insurance’s commitment to this cause enables everyone to craft a legacy of success within our company walls and beyond them.

Awards and Accreditations for Employee-centric Initiatives

Awards and Accreditations for Employee-centric Initiatives

We have been fortunate to witness the fruition of our continued efforts in this journey towards nurturing an inclusive, equitable and diverse workplace. As leaders, employers, and responsible corporate citizens, we take pride in our achievements throughout these formative years.

Proud to Stand at the 18th Rank of India's Best Companies to Work for 2021

Credibility, Respect, Fairness, Pride, and Camaraderie – these five dimensions are the hallmark of High-Trust, High-Performance Culture TM. We are also the 55th Best Workplace in Asia.

We take immense pride in our esteemed company values and are honoured to be acknowledged by Great Place To Work - the benchmark of excellence in workplace culture. The Program assesses the organisational culture across industry verticals in India based on distinctive cultural and value-driven parameters. Max Life Insurance’s core ideals of employee-centricity, and continuous growth in learning, backed with steady mediums of development, are in direct alignment with it.

Proud to Stand at the 18th Rank of India's Best Companies to Work for 2021Divesity And inclusion - Max Life Insurance

Credibility, Respect, Fairness, Pride, and Camaraderie – these five dimensions are the hallmark of High-Trust, High-Performance Culture TM. We are also the 55th Best Workplace in Asia

Celebrating our company values, we take pride in being recognized by Great Place to Work, which is the Gold standard in workplace culture assessment. The Program assesses the organizational culture across industry verticals in India, based on distinctive cultural and value-driven parameters. Max Life Insurance’s core ideals of employee-centricity, continuous growth in terms of learning, backed with steady mediums of development is in direct alignment with it.

Max Life Insurance is Honoured to be among the ‘Top 100 Places to Work for Women in India’

Every year, the Great Place to Work® Institute collaborates with over 10,000 employers from over 60 countries to review, benchmark, and develop activities to improve their workplace culture. It conducts a meticulous study on employee experience and people practices across enterprises as a global authority on workplace culture.

Being included in the ‘Top 100 Places to Work for Women in India’ is a matter of immense joy and pride, as it is a testimony to our efforts to create a diverse and inclusive environment.

How We Foster an Environment that Promotes Equity, Attracts Innovation, and Inspires

The agenda of diversity, equity, and inclusion continues after the recruitment of employees. We understand that nurturing a healthy and safe work environment is synonymous with creating a space that fuels their individuality and, as a result, creativity, connection, and innovation.

These are not just tall promises; we back them up with concrete efforts that reflect the essence of Max Life Insurance as a company that upholds its word.

How We Foster an Environment that Promotes Equity, Attracts Innovation, and Inspires.

Divesity And inclusion - Max Life Insurance

The agenda of diversity, equity, and inclusion continues after the recruitment of employees. We understand that nurturing a healthy and safe work environment is synonymous with creating a space that fuels their individuality and, as a result, creativity, connection, and innovation.

These are not just tall promises; we back them up with concrete efforts that reflect the essence of Max Life Insurance as a company that upholds its word.

Our Inclusive Policies

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Divesity And inclusion - Max Life Insurance

We recognise the importance of each individual's contribution to our organisation's exponential growth, while focusing on business goals and ambitions. It sets us apart because when our team members bring their whole selves to work, productivity thrives.

Our Capability Building Programs are directly correlated with these objectives to stimulate development and, more importantly, the willingness to grow.

Capability Building Programs

Mentorship Programs

Programs specifically intended to nurture, recognise, and support women who serve as role models for other women in the industry.

She Leads

There is no limiting yourself when you work for Max Life Insurance. She Leads Program ensures women in VP roles have access to the necessary tools, resources, and skills to transition to senior positions.


A unique initiative to help employees identify self-created stereotypes, understand, and overcome them.


The need to address diversity and inclusion at the leadership level is crucial, and Catalyst identifies the internal roadblocks in this journey.

Leading with Inclusion

Sensitisation training is a core practice that enables our employees and the organisation to shed internalised biases and practice acceptance.

Max Life Insurance in Action: Building the Foundation for a Cohesive Workplace

Max Life Insurance in Action: Building the Foundation for a Cohesive Workplace

We believe in a future that offers equal opportunities and focuss on building a diverse community within the company. Our commitment to the company values has kept us actively involved in practices that encourage inclusion, progress, and a macro-scale evolution of the insurance industry workplace.

With 14000+ employees working together across major Indian cities for customers with distinct financial needs, we do not settle for anything less than the highest standards of services. For this, we need a workforce that feels heard, understood, and appreciated and, consequently, represents a mirror image of the customer base.

At Max Life Insurance, We Strive to Create an Inclusive Culture with a Vision for Securing the Financial Well-being of All Our Customers.

At Max Life Insurance, We Strive to Create an Inclusive Culture with a Vision for Securing the Financial Well-being of All Our Customers.

Bringing the core ideals and values of Max Life Insurance is a colossal team effort. As an organisation, we rely on our employees to carry forward the diversity, equity and inclusion agenda with zeal and sincerity. It is not lost on us that such practices are the driving force to access a greater range of talent, insights, and efficiency on an individual level.

Our customers reap the rewards of a workplace honouring inclusivity and encouraging innovation. We are committed to delivering exceptional financial solutions while creating an environment where employees can take pride in contributing their unique talents - establishing us as true trailblazers within our field. Indeed, 'I Am The Difference' is more than just a slogan - it's our way of life!

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Divesity And inclusion - Max Life Insurance


At Max Life Insurance, We Believe Change Starts from Within, and We Continue to Work Towards It.

At Max Life Insurance, We Believe Change Starts from Within, and We Continue to Work Towards It.

We have been on the diversity, equity and inclusion journey to foster a workplace that is suited for the thinkers, creators, and game-changers of this industry. It is a matter of pride and joy for us to witness measurable growth because of our efforts.

Everything worth achieving comes slowly but surely when there is unwavering determination and perseverance behind it. At Max Life Insurance, these values are non-negotiable for us to create a space where everyone feels seen, heard and accepted. Here’s how we’ve been building a long-standing foundation for this over the years.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Toolkit

A good leader actively learns, unlearns, and keeps growing as the world evolves. Max Life Insurance has devised a Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Toolkit to better comprehend and incorporate the necessary measures, leading us further on this path.

What is the Toolkit for?

The toolkit establishes concrete measures and directions that employees and leaders can follow to create an inclusive space. Since our customers’ needs are constantly changing, training a diverse workforce is the way to provide valuable solutions. It instils a spirit of cultural oneness and empowerment in each of us at Max Life Insurance.

Divesity And inclusion - Max Life Insurance

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion ToolkitDivesity And inclusion - Max Life Insurance

A good leader actively learns, unlearns, and keeps growing as the world evolves. Max Life Insurance has devised a Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Toolkit to better comprehend and incorporate the necessary measures, leading us further on this path.

What is the Toolkit for?

The toolkit establishes concrete measures and directions that employees and leaders can follow to create an inclusive space. Since our customers’ needs are constantly changing, training a diverse workforce is the way to provide valuable solutions. It instils a spirit of cultural oneness and empowerment in each of us at Max Life Insurance.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Spotlight Week Celebration

The Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Week Celebration is an event where we applaud individual and community efforts to strengthen our inclusive culture. It is a time for board members and employees to come together and reflect on the journey so far and our way forward.

Employee Testimonials

Overwhelming and exciting experience, Immense learning. Thank You!!”        

I really felt this week was about me’’

Thank you- I felt special and appreciated for what I do

Divesity And inclusion - Max Life Insurance

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Week Celebration

Divesity And inclusion - Max Life Insurance

The Diversity & Inclusion Week Celebration is an event where we applaud individual and community efforts to strengthen our inclusive culture. It is a time for board members and employees to come together and reflect on the journey so far and our way forward.

Employee Testimonials

“Overwhelming and exciting experience, Immense learning. Thank You!!”        

“I really felt this week was about me’’

“Thank you- I felt special and appreciated for what I do”

Max Life is Signatory to UN WEP (United Nations Women Empowerment Principle)

As a signatory of the UN WEPs community, we stand to make a public statement on a worldwide platform about our commitment to gender equality and women empowerment.

By adopting the WEPs, we reinforce our unwavering commitment to gender equality, our business, and our people. As a signatory of the UN WEP, Max Life Insurance has joined a global network of firms that share similar principles, gaining access to the tools, resources, and learning programs that will help us adopt the 7 WEPs.

Divesity And inclusion - Max Life Insurance

Max Life Is Signatory UN WEP (United Nation Women Empowerment Principle)

Divesity And inclusion - Max Life Insurance

As a signatory of the UN WEPs community, we stand to make a public statement on a worldwide platform about our commitment to gender equality and women empowerment.

By adopting the WEPs, we reinforce our unwavering commitment to gender equality, our business, and our people. As a signatory of the UN WEP, Max Life Insurance has joined a global network of firms that share similar principles, gaining access to the tools, resources, and learning programmes that will help us adopt the 7 WEPs.

Become Part of This Vibrant Team