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What is the Job Description of an Insurance Agent?

Protect your family's financial future, along with creating wealth & saving taxes

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A career as an insurance agent is one of the best opportunities up for grabs right now. Working in an insurance company can help you advance professionally, whether it is a temporary job or even a long-term career.

If you want to build your career as an insurance agent, it is essential that you know what the daily responsibilities of an insurance agent are.

The job description of an insurance agent includes:

1. Data Collection Activities

An insurance agent must generate leads. Hence, he needs to indulge in data collection for better connecting with clients and prospects.

Data, in this case, means any information on clients and prospects that is an essential source for connecting with them, contacting them, and best serving them as their agent. Some of the data can be collected using internal records, but for the majority of the process, the best option is a ride-along with internal claim representatives, observing how they work and taking notes.

2. Call and Follow-up

As an agent, if you want to make a personal connection and get right in front of a prospect or client, you must use the tried and tested method of making a call. A phone call that allows the conversation to happen in real time and much more naturally is a lifeline of an insurance agent.

While having an initial conversation with a potential client is an exciting opportunity, but if it does not end with the client initiating an application, agents need to undertake the follow-up exercise. Though a follow-up phone call can be more difficult than the cold call, however, it is usually that same call that initiates the sale. Hence, a vital part of becoming an insurance agent has a necessary follow-up strategy that that has an explicit design for a particular client.

3. Set a Meeting Target

Agents need to set a target for how many prospects or clients they will be visiting in a weeks or months’ time. Hence it is essential that they review their sales goals first thing in the morning every day, then scan their meetings plan for the week. At the end of each day, agents need to review how the day went and set meeting target for the next day.

4. Know What You Are Selling

Having the product knowledge is an essential sales skill for any insurance agent. Understanding the product features allows agents to present product benefits accurately and persuasively. It is because- customers respond to enthusiastic agents who are passionate about their products and eager to share the benefits with them.

Furthermore, customers are more likely to trust insurance agents who show confidence in themselves and what they are selling. Hence, agents must have a keen sense of their client’s financial position, and knowledge of the legal and tax implications of the insurance product they sell.

5. Know Whom You are Selling to

Just like having the product knowledge is essential, it is vital to know who the client is and what are his/her goals and needs. It is because a particular insurance plan that suits a client A may not be the right plan for client B.

So, it is utmost important to know your client and whether he/she requires insurance for tax saving needs or child’s education or wealth creation and likewise suggest him/her the insurance product.

6. Attend Post Sale Queries

An agent’s job does not just revolve around selling a policy. The post-sale journey is as remarkable as making the sale. It involves multiple touch points and can begin right from the onboarding process, to premium payment reminders, connecting at different stages to meet the changing needs and finally, at the time of claim settlement.

With products being similar across insurance companies, the critical differentiator is customer experience. Moreover, a customer-centric insurance agent is what helps companies deliver on their promise.

 7. Generate Your Profit &Loss Statements

Keeping track of income and expenses through P&L statements is another job of an agent. The income for an agent refers to the commissions made on every policy sold, and the expenses are related to those incurred while making calls, advertisings, and visits to clients.


The roles listed above sums up the life of an insurance agent on a daily basis. So, if you find interest in becoming an insurance agent and think that you can accept this role, many opportunities are waiting for you.

 Though the insurance industry can be very challenging, it can be hugely rewarding if you are willing to learn the necessary skill sets to build your career. 

ARN: JuneBG/F/13

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