Invest for a stress-free Retirement &
Get Tax Free~ Returns + Life Cover With Max Life Guaranteed^ Savings Plan
Get ₹1.10 crore*
Investing ₹20,000/month
<p>Disclaimer: *Rs.1.10 Cr. in form of monthly income of Rs. 27,892 for 25 years + Rs. 26.67 lakhs at the end of income period on monthly investments of Rs. 20,000 for 12 years (Rs. 28.8 lakh total premium paid) and policy term of 14 years for a 25 year old healthy male with Max Life Smart Wealth Plan. A non-linked non-participating individual life insurance savings plan. The guaranteed benefits are applicable only if all due premiums are paid. Total premiums paid are exclusive of GST. ~Save ₹46,800 on taxes if the insurance premium amount is Rs.1.5 lakh per annum and you are a Regular Individual, Fall under 30% income tax slab having taxable income less than Rs. 50 lakh and Opt for Old tax regime. ARN: Feb23/TaxPopup/18M</p>
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