Take advantage of Max Life Guaranteed Savings Plan Get Life cover and Tax Free returns
Rs.10,000 Pay per month for 5 years
Rs.10.33 Lakh* Get after 10 years
Applicable if all due premiums are paid and the customer survives the policy term. All tax benefits are subject to tax laws prevailing at the time of payment of premium or receipt of benefits by you. *Applicable for Titanium variant of Max Life Smart Fixed-return Digital plan (Premium payment of 5 years and Policy term of 10 years) and a healthy male of 18 years (exclusive of all applicable taxes).ARN:WP/EIS/080123
Save Tax up to ₹46,800~ & Get Life Cover
With Max Life Guaranteed^ Savings Plan
Pay ₹10,000
per month for 5 yearsGet ₹10.33 lakh*
after 10 years<p>Disclaimer: *Guaranteed benefits are applicable if all due premiums are paid and the customer survives the policy term. ~Save ₹46,800 on taxes if the insurance premium amount is Rs.1.5 lakh per annum and you are a Regular Individual, Fall under 30% income tax slab having taxable income less than Rs. 50 lakh and Opt for Old tax regime.*Applicable for Titanium variant of Max Life Smart Fixed-return Digital plan (Premium payment of 5 years and Policy term of 10 years) and a healthy male of 18 years (exclusive of all applicable taxes).ARN: Feb23/TaxPopup/18N</p>
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